The social responsibility policy of R.P. Industries, S.A. is aligned with the SMETA principles of social responsibility, thus guiding and mobilizing RP INDUSTRIES SA and its collaborators in the direction of a constant quest for continuous improvement and the effectiveness of the social responsibility management system, observing the following principles:

The job is chosen freely

RP INDUSTRIES SA does not use forced, slave or non-voluntary labor under any circumstances, whether by physical obligation, using the threat or other means of force or participating in human trafficking and labor exploitation, nor does not retain any of the employee’s documents.

Respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining

RPINDUSTRIES SA respects the right of employees to create trade unions or other types of worker associations and to participate in collective negotiations, facilitating the process.

Safety and hygiene for working conditions

RP INDUSTRIES SA guarantees compliance with safety, health and hygiene and well-being standards in workplace.
For it:

  • ensures a safe and healthy work environment, taking appropriate measures to avoid work accidents;
  • has health and safety services aimed at minimizing the probability of occupational illnesses and work accidents;
  • regularly provides training on this subject to all employees of RP INDUSTRIES SA

No to child labor

RP INDUSTRIES SA does not use or admit the use of child labor, thus not exposing young workers to dangerous situations.
Also, in its relations with its suppliers, RP INDUSTRIES SA raises awareness of this practice.

Dignity of our wages

RP INDUSTRIES SA guarantees that the salary is paid directly to the employee and is, at least, equivalent to the legal minimum salary. And ensures that wages and other benefits are paid in full compliance with applicable laws.

Non-excessive hours of work

RP INDUSTRIES SA respects the legislation concerning working hours.

No to discrimination

RP INDUSTRIES SA condemns any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, physical disability, religious conviction, opinion or political filiation or filiation with a trade union and guarantees equal opportunities.

Regular work will be proportionate

RP INDUSTRES SA hires its employees on the basis of contracts documented in accordance with the law, aiming job stability.

No to inhuman and harsh treatment

RP INDUSTRIES SA does not tolerate or collaborate with any kind of physical abuse, disciplinary, threat of physical abuse, sexual or other types of harassment or verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation.


Within the framework of our environmental concerns, there are biodiversity, climate change and waste management, included in the following principles of action:

  • seek for economic growth while respecting the protection of the environment;
  • control the environmental aspects that may have an impact on RP INDUSTRIES and on the parties with which RP INDUSTRIES binds;
  • promote and encourage environmental management and eco-efficiency practices along the supply chain.


Within the framework of our environmental concerns, there are biodiversity, climate change and waste management, included in the following principles of action:

  • seek for economic growth while respecting the protection of the environment;
  • control the environmental aspects that may have an impact on RP INDUSTRIES and on the parties with which RP INDUSTRIES binds;
  • promote and encourage environmental management and eco-efficiency practices along the supply chain.


We are convinced that the achievement of our long-term objectives is necessarily based on strict compliance with the most demanding standards of ethical conduct. We assume the conviction that daily concerns with efficiency or economic growth cannot be separated from ethical and responsible conduct. All those who relate to us during our commercial, institutional and social activities have a legitimate interest in the transparency, dialogue and ethical attitude of RP INDSTRES SA and its collaborators.

Thus, we assume the commitment to ethical conduct in our internal and external relations, with the goal of reinforcing the applicable ethical standards and creating a work environment that promotes respect, integrity and fairness.
This Policy is applicable to all collaborators, engaging them, regardless of their functions or hierarchical position.

Political and union activities

In the exercise of politico-party or trade union activities, employees must respect the constitutional principles and the applicable legal framework, must act with prudence and respect, in order to avoid conflicts and preserve independence.

Use of illegal or illicit activities

We condemn the use of illegal or illicit means or activities by our collaborators, whether or not with the aim of personal benefit or third parties.

Use of RP INDUSTRIES SA resources

The resources of RP INDUSTRIES SA must be used efficiently, with a view to pursuing the defined objectives and not for personal or other purposes. Employees must ensure the protection and good state of conservation of the assets of RP INDUSTRIES SA, ensuring that its productivity is maximized.

Confidentiality and professional secrecy

Professional secrecy applies to all collaborators, especially in situations which, due to its importance or the law in force, should not be known to the general public.
Employees of RP INDUSTRIES SA must always act with discretion with respect to facts or information accessed in the performance of their duties.

Relations with Customers, Suppliers and other Entities

Employees must actively fight against any form of corruption, active or passive one, paying attention to any form of payment, favors or complicity that could lead to the creation of illicit advantages, which constitute subtle forms of corruption, such as offered or receipts from customers or suppliers.

We do not tolerate any act of corruption, extortion, fraud and make all our suppliers and other important parties aware of this principle and all practices consistent with it.